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You Can Help
As the C31 is a community TV there is no money for producing shows like Happy Fisherman Adventures. This show is fully sponsored and paid just by Me and Mima and it is getting a bit hard for us to keep going as it is. So, we put together a Donation Page just to help us with some expenses.
Thank You!

TV Episode 012 – How We Catch Slimy Mackerel
This episode is all about slimy mackerel. This is definitely nr1 bait when it comes to predator fish, but saying that, some people absolutely love eating slimy's. Enjoy​ https://youtu.be/AaY6PMy6kE8
TV Episode 011 – Shallow Inlet Adventures
Episode 11 is all about shallow inlet. This adventure was just amazing. There is a little presentation of Squeaky Beach as well! Enjoy! Enjoy https://youtu.be/l5xnhixdDYM
TV Episode 010 – catching withing with Brett Reed and Marco the Sharkman
This adventure is with some of the best people in the industry. Catching KGW at St Leonards with Brett Reed and Don Marco the Sharkman. Enjoy https://youtu.be/6gZZEDODaXY
TV Episode 009 – How we catch snapper in Port Phillip Bay
This episode has lots of tips and trick on how we catch snapper in Port Phillip Bay. Enjoy https://youtu.be/48B5FtNrT-k
TV Episode 008 – Girls catching king George whiting
Our Episode eight is all about Mima and her friends catching KGW. Enjoy https://youtu.be/FyAylWT-L0I
TV Episode 007 – Squid at Prince George – Port Phillip Bay
Our Episode seven is all about catching squid in Port Phillip Bay. This time we are showing Prince George area which is between Portarlington and Indented heads. In this video there is a lot of great underwater footage showing the magnificent vegetation and marine...
Latest Posts
Tonight 13th November at 6.30pm on C31 (44)
Tonight's Happy Fisherman Adventure Episode 11 is all about Shallow Inlet. Shallow Inlet is a marine inlet, opening onto Waratah Bay and it is also a hotspot for fishing, with salmon, trevally, large flathead, and King George Whiting being the catch of the day. There...
Episode 9 tonight on C31 – all about Snapper
Tonight Episode 9 on CH31(44) at 6.30 is all about Snapper. I try to answer many questions, and there is lots of video footage of adventures with my friends! Enjoy
Happy Fisherman Adventures on Ch31
Official! As from Saturday 28th August 2021 - the Happy Fisherman Adventures is live on TV! Ch31 6.30pm Enjoy
Video Intro for TV Show
A quick intro to Happy Fisherman Adventure TV Show that will go live on air in few months https://youtu.be/bmnw7U9rnG8
Fishing With Brett Reeds
Another catch up story! This time it was 16th of March and i had a special friend on my boat. It was Brett Reeds aka Reedy's Rigs.I have to say that in my fishing career I'm the tackle junkie. Not in a bad sense. I love exploring when i fish, and i don't just explore...
2021 April 30th – Fishing with Julian
Another successful trip with my friend Julian Mardale. We went from Werribee to St Leonards and made an advanture by visiting the seals at white lady and then catching lots of fish at St Leonards [dnxte_masonary gallery_ids="8608,8615,8616,8617,8618,8619,8620"...
2021 April 29 – Fishing with Tass and Phill
Again pilchard with Squid cocktail was the go and both running rig and paternoster where very successful. Yesterday - Thursday - I left from Werribee around 10.30am to St Leonards with my friends Phill Hodgkinson and Tass Nidis. Because I wanted to fish the start of...
2021 April 27th – with Michael Popovic
There is no much to say. Beautiful day with a beautiful friend at beautiful St Leonards. Michael aka Mediterraneo restaurant / Chevapi Grill Melbourne, took a day of to spend some time on the water. As usuall St Leonards did not disapoint and m=we managed quiet few...
2021 April 25th – Fishing St Leonards with old man JJ
Sunday - St Leonards 6m - from 12-2.30pm I was fishing with old man JJ and Jerry. We had a slow start, but pretty quick turned to be a great fishing session. We bagged out in less then 2 hours. Old Man JJ was with us and, after quiet few months not being on the water,...
2021 April 24 – fishing St Leonards
Yesterday it was a hard work at StLeonards - 6m depth straight in front of the ramp. We got there around 2.30pm and the tide was running out. The wind was STH/W so we where facing city. As you cast, 30sec later the bait was under the boat and going backwards. On top...
2021 April 18 – fishing St Leonards
Catch Up Yesterday (Saturday) session at St Leonards was simply "DeJaVu". Around 1.30pm we stopped at Prince George and managed dozen squid very quick. Some small some very big. Best jig this time was the PPB standard White saphire T14. Then, By 2.30 pm we where at St...
2021 April 8th – fishing St Leonards with Lindsay Field
Thursday I had my dear friend Lindsay Field from Farnham’s band and this time we where fishing not playing music. We had great time catching KGWS, yakkas and garfish. This time we only got dozen Kgw but we end up with lots of garfish and tons of yakkas. Kgw took...
How To...
2018 May – we added a how to section
happy fisherman 2018 May - added a how to section. In this section we will share our ways of rigging, cooking, protecting your equipment etc. We are starting with a simple video how to fillet an albacore tuna! view>>
Video Intro for TV Show
A quick intro to Happy Fisherman Adventure TV Show that will go live on air in few months https://youtu.be/bmnw7U9rnG8
Video off the traffic in the RIP
Here it is the traffic in the rip at the moment. Last Sunday and this Wednesday recording . People that never fished there this is the task you need to combat. Stay SAFE! Others, maybe you'll see your boat here, Cheers
20201 Jan 2nd -Underwater Video
Here is the underwater video from the day. So much KGW's and Red Mullet around my burley bucket was incredible. Cheers Happy Fisherman https://youtu.be/wgJDyBKJuY8
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