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As the C31 is a community TV there is no money for producing shows like Happy Fisherman Adventures. This show is fully sponsored and paid just by Me and Mima and it is getting a bit hard for us to keep going as it is. So, we put together a Donation Page just to help us with some expenses.
Thank You!

TV Episode 17 – Catching King George Witing St Leonards
Another video of catching king george witing at St Leonards with some friends
Tonight’s Episode 25 Is adventure chasing Mako Sharks
Tonight's Episode 25 of Happy Fisherman Adventures on C31 (ch44) at 6.30pm is all about our adventure of Port Fairy Chasing Mako Sharks. Cheers
TV Episode 16 – Catching trout at Mt Buffalo part 2
Our 16th Episode it's part two of catching trout in the Victoria's High Country. Enjoy this amazing Victoria's High Country! At the end of this episode are some highlight from our past adventures.
TV Episode 15 – Catching trout at Mt Buffalo part 1
Our 15th Episode is all about catching trout in the Victoria's High Country. Everything is happening at Mt Buffalo and all we can say is that we are lucky to have this at our door steps!
TV Episode 014 – Salmon and snapper in November 2021
Our 14th Episode is all about last week in November 2021. There is quiet a bit of snapper in the bay at this time so this adventure is about the snapper and some salmon. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/Gws0M6dKg5M
TV Episode 013 – Snapper at Portarlington
This episode is dedicated to Portarlington Old Chanel where we chase snapper early November. It contains 3 adventures that are only few days apart so you can compare them and see how the fish acts differently in different days​ Enjoy...
Latest Posts
TV Episode 23 – Clifton Springs
Our Episode 23 is all about Clifton Springs. The boat ramp here had an upgrade and now 4 boats can launch at anytime. Few clips from the past plus the installation of my Hydrive Hydraulic Steering. Cheers
2022 July 6th – Chasing KGW at Portarlington
2022 6th July - we went to do some filming at Portarlington KGW spot. We started drifting first to get few squid for fresh bait and that was easy. Then, we parked in 6m spot. It started with mix bag of KGW and Yakka, but bery soon become 10 Yakkas to one KGW. When I...
Tonight’s Episode is all about catching Garfish
Just heads up - this Saturday happy fisherman adventures tv episode 6.30pm on c31 is all about Garfish. It is filmed just a week a go at Mt Martha and I did my best to show what we used and how we managed to catch our limit pretty quickly. Hopefully helps
Tonight’s Episode 25 Is adventure chasing Mako Sharks
Tonight's Episode 25 of Happy Fisherman Adventures on C31 (ch44) at 6.30pm is all about our adventure of Port Fairy Chasing Mako Sharks. Cheers
2022 February 7th – Big snapper at Portarlington
A quick video of my adventure with Steve Van at Portarlington old channel. We where getting small pinky's and then a monster snapper - - very nice surprise. https://youtu.be/dJg7CKhNdrc
Underwater at Mud Island – January 2022
Just following my last report, here is a video that will give you a bit more info of what is under your boat at Mud Island at the moment! Enjoy! Cheers happy Fisherman Â
2022 Jan 16 – Fishing Port Phillip Bay
This adventure started early morning from Werribee and the challenge was to get some squid at Prince George and go to the Rip try to catch King fish.Me, JJ and Brett Denis got to Prince George around 7am, and we managed few squid but it was a bit slow. So, we moved to...
2022 Jan 6th – Fishing Portland
This was one great adventure in Portland with Mima and Ovi! We got there on the 6th of Jan and the sky was a bit like from Horror movies. In no time we had big rain coming down but it only lasted for few minutes. The very next morning we left early, headed towards...
Happy Holidays Everybody
Happy Holidays!!!! Enjoy https://youtu.be/g-nzehsdasE
2021 Dec 21 Fishing Spoil Grounds
The fish is still going strong.We left 5am this morning and headed for Spoil ground. As we got there in 30min we had 6 fish and then it stopped completely.Than we sound around deeper towards Portarlington and managed few more.The fish is average size with biggest just...
T-shirt’s Now Available
We never expected this TV Show to grow so fast!We covered few questions and demands as best we could!We made it educational and family focused!One of demands was "merchandise". We promised that it will be available before Xmas, so here it is!Enjoy!...
TV Episode 009 – How we catch snapper in Port Phillip Bay
This episode has lots of tips and trick on how we catch snapper in Port Phillip Bay. Enjoy https://youtu.be/48B5FtNrT-k
How To...
How To Clean Leather Jacket Fish
After few request Jerry is showing a quick way of how to clean Leather Jacket!
2018 June 6th – How To Make Stuffed Calamari
A quick video on how to make stuffed calamari. Very simple - yet delicious!
How To Fillet Yakka And Gummy Shark Set Up
Happy Fisherman just uploaded a quick video on how to fillet yakka or other bait and the rig we use for gummy shark . The same rig does work very well for snapper. Note in Port Phillip Bay, when the water is calm and not running fast, the only difference...
Happy Holidays Everybody
Happy Holidays!!!! Enjoy https://youtu.be/g-nzehsdasE
TV Episode 009 – How we catch snapper in Port Phillip Bay
This episode has lots of tips and trick on how we catch snapper in Port Phillip Bay. Enjoy https://youtu.be/48B5FtNrT-k
Happy Fisherman Adventures on Ch31
Official! As from Saturday 28th August 2021 - the Happy Fisherman Adventures is live on TV! Ch31 6.30pm Enjoy
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