2021 April 18 – fishing St Leonards
Catch Up Yesterday (Saturday) session at St Leonards was simply "DeJaVu". Around 1.30pm we stopped at Prince George and managed dozen squid very quick. Some small some very big. Best jig this time was the PPB standard White saphire T14. Then, By 2.30 pm we where at St...
2021 April 8th – fishing St Leonards with Lindsay Field
Thursday I had my dear friend Lindsay Field from Farnham’s band and this time we where fishing not playing music. We had great time catching KGWS, yakkas and garfish. This time we only got dozen Kgw but we end up with lots of garfish and tons of yakkas. Kgw took...
2021 April 2nd – fishing St Leonards
Friday 2nd April -So much life underwater at St Leonards it is incredible! We did a 1pm start on Friday and we had my friend Adrian with his kids on his new boat first time out. They followed us to Prince George but we could not get a squid there. Day before same...
2021 April 1st – fishing St Leonards
I would like to thank everyone of you for support and hugs from total strangers I couldn’t stay home yesterday so I took of to start Leonard’s. Plenty kgw , yakkas and tons of garfish. The key was the pilchard slice along with piece of squid. I will report later on...
2021 March 7th – fishing St Leonards
A quick catch-up: March 7, 10 and 11th. All at St Leonards 6m Depth straight out from the ramp. As usual we launch in Werribee on 7th, around 1pm and stopped at Prince George for squid. No good at all. Then we went to St Leonards and targeted KGWs. It was slow to...
2021 March 6 – Fishing St Leonards
Second stop was squid ground at mud island. No good again. I believe we where a bit late as there was quiet few boas there chasing squid. Then, we stopped at my gummy spot at Pinnace channel. Again no good. Lots of small flattys and all the throw back rays invasion....
2021 Feb 24 – fishing port phillip bay
Wednesday the 24th Mi and Mima took of to the Wreck in front of Indented Heads for live bait so we can go Kingfishing in the rip. The bloody seal would not let us keep any. After about half hour of headache i just left. I stopped in the Western Channel to get some...
2021 Feb 20 – Clifton Springs
Just a quick Catch up! Feb 20 on the water with old man JJ and on the other boat Will Gafa took his 80yo dad and Jerry on his new StubyCraft 2050. A quick run to Clifton Springs and Portarlington for a boat test and a bit of fishing. Squid, KGW and Pinky's all on the...
2021 Jan 22nd – fishing at Portland Video
A Quick video of catching Tuna in Portland
2021 Jan 22nd – fishing at Portland
Not Port Phillip Bay but a nice weekend in Portland. We arrived on Thursday night and Friday morning already we where chasing tuna. It was a bunch of us and three boats. We started trolling above Minerva Reef in 12m of water and Will Gafa's dad - 80year old man - was...
2021 Jan 10 to 15 catch up
Just a quick update from my last few trips. Around Portarlington old channel and all the way to Prince George marker still lots of garfish. Silverfish - if you can find it - or small flatty flesh - best bait. As per yakka's and slimmy's - we have been getting them in...
2021 January 9th – fishing Wreck
After the battle with my axel, my friendWill Gafa did great work on it and today I was out early morning. Along with Jerry & Zoran I left Werribee at 6am and the car park was already full. We ended deep in 20m spot close to the wreck and as we got there already...
20201 Jan 2nd -Underwater Video
Here is the underwater video from the day. So much KGW's and Red Mullet around my burley bucket was incredible. Cheers Happy Fisherman https://youtu.be/wgJDyBKJuY8
2021 January 2nd – Mud Island
A great star to 2021. Quick run to Mud Island with Jerry and Misha and we end up with a nice feed. We had few more gummy's but just a bit too small.[dnxte_masonary gallery_ids="8284,8285,8286,8287,8288,8289,8290" _builder_version="4.9.2"...
2020 December 30th – Mud Island
This is my last post for this year - Mud island 30th Dec! Left Rye boat ramp with Jerry and my puppy Chico at 8am and straight to mud island. Few days before fool moon so i was confident -Gummy Shark. Well did not happen. We got few stingrays, tons of banjos, gurnard,...
2020 Dec 29th – Barwon Heads
Until next year - 29 December we left Peninsula Eco villas at 6am, launched in Sorrento, and straight across to Queenscliff for some squid. Well tons of boats and we had no luck. At slack we crossed the bar and went 40m towards Torquay, back in 60m, and finished in 25...
2020 Dec 27th – Barwon Heads
Saturday mission was over out thru the rip chasing tuna. Along with me Jerry and old man JJ, was my friend Will Gafa who had his nephew with him on his boat. After going along in Portland, and many times in PPB, Will wanted to get familiar with crossing the bar. I...
202 Dec 19th – Underwater video
A quick underwater video of the day https://youtu.be/shI8_R_S-5I
2020 Dec 20 Fishing Portarlington
Yesterday - Sunday - another great session on gars. We left Werribee ramp at 5am and head to Portarlington old channel again. As we got there i did not even setup up cameras - Mima was on garfish. When it comes to garfish, yakkas, slimy's Mima is my secret weapon....
2020 Dec 19th – fishing Portarlington
Catch up with my new from where we left!!!! Early start - at Werribee ramp 4.30am and straight to Portarlington old channel. Tried hard for snapper, but all we got was few nice pinky’s. In meantime Jerry and Misha where passing time catching fresh yakka for bait. Few...
2020 Dec 15th – Happy Fisherman Fishing Portarlington
Last minute decision and Jerry came straight from work on the boat. About 7pm we where at Portarlington old channel, fishing the edge. Few nice pinky’s, one really nice flatty, and around 8.30 our biggest snapper this season. It took a fillet of frozen yakka that I...