2021 March 6 – Fishing St Leonards
Second stop was squid ground at mud island. No good again. I believe we where a bit late as there was quiet few boas there chasing squid. Then, we stopped at my gummy spot at Pinnace channel. Again no good. Lots of small flattys and all the throw back rays invasion. In between
Second stop was squid ground at mud island. No good again. I believe we where a bit late as there was quiet few boas there chasing squid. Then, we stopped at my gummy spot at Pinnace channel. Again no good. Lots of small flattys and all the throw back rays invasion. In between few yakkas and a flying gurnard.
By 3pm we where at St Leonards 6m depth. Started slow with some big yakkas and then around 4.30pm the KGW was on. We managed 43 whitting and another 40 yakkas and one Pike. Whiting was mainly going for squid strips, but the amount of yakkas under the boat it was hard to get them. The better rig was running rig as the patternoster, especially top hook was taken by Yakka. The KGWs we kept where between 32-43cm. We had lots more that we put back as they where to small.
The Pike we seen chasing a yakka that we had on line so i cast a metal lure and got him. I tried for more, but no luck.
As the sun went down it was time to go home.
Cheers Happy fisherman