2020 Nov 18th – Fishing Mud Island

by Dec 14, 2020Fishing Reports, Port Phillip Bay0 comments

2020 Nov 18th – Fishing Mud Island

18th Nov – I left – with my happy fisherman colleague Zoran – Werribee about lunchtime and went straight to mud island. We where trying hard for squid, but only got couple. Then we anchor at my gummy mark in 11m at Pinnace channel, and all I can say the bottom was just small flattys and gurnards, but mid water slimy macarell went crazy. In no time we had plenty. Half of them double hook up.
3-4m under surface, sabiki rig with small pilchard fillet or small piece of squid.
By 3.30pm we where at st Leonard’s trying for KGW, but, no luck. Leather jackets everywhere and small pinky’s on top of that.
At 5pm we where at Portarlington old channel and first cast Zoran got a nice 1.5kg red. The hopes where up but unti 7pm we only managed another mud 30s as all the rest where undersized.
Great day out and we where home just before 8pm.
Cheers, happy fisherman

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