2020 Jan 18 - fishing Portarlington with Zoran
Today me and Zoran went for a quick trip to Portarlington. We got to the Channel by 9am, and we tried for slimy’s, but, no luck. In meantime pinky’s kept us busy and we got couple nice size. Lots of small pinky’s where taking all our bait. The water was a bit ruff on that side, so we decided to go Wedge Spit and try for whiting. As we got there, hundreds of dolphins. We took some video footage and decided is time to go home. By 11am we where at the ramp.
The pinkys today we got on double snell rig, with small ball sinker loaded with half pilchard. The hooks that did the damage where small 1.0 Circle by Reedy’s. Definitely for that area at the moment 1.0 or 2.0 are the best option. I had 2 rods with 6.0 and full pilchard, it was no go. Pinky’s would smash the pilchard, but no hook ups.
Enjoy the short video
Cheers, Happy Fisherman