2017 June 11 Portarlington

by Jun 11, 2017Fishing Reports, Port Phillip Bay0 comments

Today we left late and missed the turning tide at 10am. We got on the water around 11 30 and went to Portarlington old channel. As we start fishing first fish we got was a small Red Mullet followed by Leather Jackets. Lots of pinky’s around but nothing to keep. Some Jackets where really good size. From time to time on the sounder appeared big movement but nothing big would take the bite beside few Banjos and Port Jackson shark. Then surprise – RockLing. I didn’t catch one of those in Port Phillip since 2009 so i was over the moon. THen as the sun went down for 15min we had pink’s attack and that was the time to pack up and go home. Something to mention as well is that we had no flatty’s at all for last 3 weeks at this spot and today we had few.

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